Are you dreaming about living in an energy-efficient home? With rising energy bills, more and more people are considering building a passive house. 

Did you know: Passive houses require up to 90 per cent less energy for heating and cooling than a non-insulated home?

But not every builder can build a Passive House.

Choosing the right builder can make all the difference in your building project, but it can feel overwhelming when searching for experienced professionals.

With this guide, I will give you the knowledge needed to make an informed decision and find the best passive house builders in Perth. 

Whether searching for unique eco-friendly designs or energy-optimized homes, this guide has something for everyone.

Passive House requires specialised knowledge and experience.

Passive House is a high-performance building standard that emphasizes energy efficiency and comfort. The home must meet strict requirements for insulation, airtightness, and other factors.

As a result, it’s crucial to choose a builder who has experience with Passive House construction and is familiar with the specific requirements of the standard.

Finding the right builder

Here are a few tips for finding the right builder for your Passive House project:

Passive House certification

When looking for the best Passive House builders in Perth, it is essential to look for those certified by the Passive House Institute.

This certification ensures that the builder has completed training in Passive House design and construction and is knowledgeable about the principles of building a Passive House.

The certification process requires builders to demonstrate their knowledge of energy-efficient building techniques and their ability to meet the stringent requirements of the Passive House standard.

Make sure that any builder you are considering has this certification before making your final decision.

Ask for references

A good builder should be able to provide references from previous clients who have built Passive Houses.

You can use these references to get a sense of the builder’s experience and the quality of their work.

When choosing the best Passive House builders in Perth, it is important to do your research and make sure you are selecting a builder with the experience and expertise needed to build a quality Passive House.

A good builder should be able to provide references from previous clients who have built Passive Houses, and you can use these references to get a sense of the builder’s experience and the quality of their work.

Builder’s portfolio

Looking at the builder’s portfolio and seeing examples of their previous work is important; this will give you an indication of the quality of their work and how they approach building Passive Houses.

Look for a builder who has built various Passive Houses, as this will demonstrate their experience in the field.

Responsive and Communicative

Look for a builder who is responsive and communicative.

Building a Passive House is a complex process, and choosing a builder who is willing to listen to your needs and communicate with you throughout the process is important.

When looking for a builder to construct your Passive House, it’s important to find one who is responsive and communicative.

A good builder will take the time to understand your needs and preferences and will be able to provide you with detailed information about the process.

They should also be willing to answer any questions you may have and keep you updated on the project’s progress.

Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions; building a Passive House is a significant investment, so making sure you feel comfortable with the builder you choose is essential.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their experience, process, and pricing.

  • First and foremost, you want to ensure that the builder you choose has experience building Passive Houses.

  • You should also ask about their process for designing and constructing a Passive House.

  • Make sure they understand the principles of Passive House construction and can explain how they will achieve the desired results.

  • Ask them about their communication style and their availability.

Architects VS Builders

A Passive House architect is a professional who designs buildings to meet the Passive House standard.

They are responsible for creating the plans and specifications for a Passive House, including the layout, materials, and systems used.

They may also be involved in the construction process to ensure that the building is built according to the plans.

A Passive House builder is a contractor who specialises in constructing buildings to the Passive House standard.

They are responsible for the actual construction of the building, including supervising subcontractors, ordering materials, and ensuring that the work is completed on schedule and to the required standards.

In general, an architect is responsible for the design of a building, while a builder is responsible for the construction of the building.

However, in the case of a Passive House, both the architect and the builder must thoroughly understand the Passive House standard and how to design and construct a building that meets the standard.

Certified passive house builder

A Certified Passive House Builder is a builder who has completed training and certification through the Passive House Institute.

This certification program ensures that builders have the knowledge and skills to design and build high-performance Passive House buildings.

To become a Certified Passive House Builder, an individual must complete a training program and pass an exam.

The training covers various Passive House design and construction topics, including building physics, energy efficiency, airtightness, and more.

Upon completing the training and passing the exam, the individual becomes a Certified Passive House Tradesperson.

To maintain their certification, Certified Passive House Builders must complete continuing education requirements and adhere to the ethical standards of the Passive House Institute.

If you are considering building a Passive House, working with a Certified Passive House Builder can be helpful, as they have demonstrated their knowledge and expertise in this area.


Do passive houses stay cool in summer?

Yes, passive houses can stay cool in summer due to the insulation and ventilation system used in their construction. Tapping cool air inside while allowing hot air outside can keep your home cool without using air conditioners or other cooling systems.

Does Passive House work in Australia?

Yes, Passive House is a design approach that works for climates in Australia. It focuses on reducing energy costs through improved building efficiency with techniques such as window orientation, thermal insulation, air tightness and more, all of which can be adapted to the Australian climate.

What are the disadvantages of a Passive House?

The main disadvantage of Passive House construction is cost. Creating a strictly airtight building envelope can involve more costly materials than those used in standard construction, and the additional sealing steps can add to labour costs. Passive House design requires specialised knowledge and expertise, which could yield higher architect’s or builder’s fees. Lastly, because Passive Houses are airtight, extra ventilation may be necessary to ensure sufficient fresh air supply.


Choosing the right Passive House builder in Perth is an important decision, and there are several options for passive house builders in Perth.

By doing your research and asking the right questions, you’ll be able to find a builder who meets your needs and understands your vision for your home.

Remember, a passive house should provide comfort, energy efficiency, and cost savings in the long run. Finding the best possible passive house builders will help ensure that all these components are considered so you can enjoy a high-quality home that lasts for years.

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