As a passive house consultant, I am often asked about the electricity usage of passive houses and the long term benefits of choosing a passive house over a traditional build.

In general, passive houses are designed to use significantly less electricity than traditional houses. Passive houses rely on a combination of insulation, airtight construction, and passive solar design to minimize the need for heating and cooling, which can significantly reduce energy consumption and reduce reliance on electricity.

The exact amount of electricity used by a passive house will depend on a number of factors, including the size of the house, the local climate, and the specific design and construction details. However, passive houses are typically designed to use only as much electricity as a small portable electric heater, such as a space heater.

There are many long term benefits to choosing a passive house over a traditional build. In addition to reducing energy consumption and costs, passive houses can also provide a higher level of comfort and indoor air quality, and can be more durable and require less maintenance than traditional houses.

When selecting a passive house in Perth, Western Australia, it is important to choose a certified passive house consultant, such as Kellett Design Group, to ensure that the house meets the stringent energy efficiency criteria required for passive house certification. A certified passive house consultant has the expertise and experience to design and build a high quality, energy efficient passive house that meets the specific needs and goals of the owner.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Passive House Builders in Perth
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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Passive House Builders in Perth

As a passive house consultant, I am often asked about the electricity usage of passive houses and the long term benefits of choosing a passive house over a …

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Heat passive house in winter

As a passive house consultant, I am often asked about the electricity usage of passive houses and the long term benefits of choosing a passive house over a …

Heat passive house in winter