As a passive house consultant, I am often asked do passive houses stay cool in summer?

Passive houses are designed to be highly energy efficient and to minimise the need for heating and cooling. In order to stay cool in the summer, passive houses rely on a combination of insulation, airtight construction, and passive solar design to minimise heat gain.

Some of the features of passive house design that can help to keep the house cool in the summer include:

  • Orientation: Passive houses are typically oriented to take advantage of natural sunlight and heat in the winter, while minimizing heat gain in the summer.

  • Insulation: The high levels of insulation in the walls, roof, and floor of a passive house help to minimize heat transfer from the outside.

  • Windows: Passive house windows are typically highly insulated and have low levels of solar heat gain, which helps to minimize heat gain from the sun.

  • Ventilation: The mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery in a passive house can help to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature by providing fresh air while minimizing heat loss.

Overall, passive houses are designed to be comfortable and energy efficient year-round, and can stay cool in the summer by minimising heat gain and using natural ventilation and insulation to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

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As a passive house consultant, I am often asked do passive houses stay cool in summer? Passive houses are designed to be highly energy efficient and to minimise …

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As a passive house consultant, I am often asked do passive houses stay cool in summer? Passive houses are designed to be highly energy efficient and to minimise …

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